We are currently involved in the following research projects and collaborations:

  • SSHOC-NL: A collaboration between ODISSEI and CLARIAH that develops state of the art infrastructure for social science and humanities research.
  • HAICu (NWO-NWA): an interdisciplinary project that aims for scientific breakthroughs in AI to open up, link and analyze in context large scale and heterogeneous multimodal digital heritage collections to facilitate user-assisted generation of fact-based narratives.
  • HEDGE-IoT (HorizonEurope): Holistic Approach towards Empowerment of the DiGitalization of the Energy Ecosystem through adoption of IoT solutions
  • Cultural AI Lab (ICAI): This ICAI lab Cultural AI is the study, design and development of socio-technological AI systems that are implicitly or explicitly aware of the subtle and subjective complexity of human culture.
  • Civic AI Lab (ICAI): AI technology that highlights the inequality of opportunity in society and that actively increases the prospect of equality of opportunity in education, well-being, environment, mobility and health.
  • Pressing Matter (NWO-NWA): developing data models to support societal reconciliation with the colonial past and its afterlives.
  • Hybrid Intelligence (NWO Gravity): Augmenting Human Intellect

Past research projects include

  • Interconnect (H2020): machine learning on IoT and smart energy knowledge graphs 
  • CLARIAH: investigating how to use linked data for connecting Linked media
  • FAIR Workflows (NWO/eScience Center) is a project on applying the FAIR ideas to workflows
  • InTaVia (H2020): making linked cultural heritage and biographical data usable for end-users
  • ODISSEI (NWO): Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is the national research infrastructure for the social sciences in the Netherlands.
  • ArchiMediaL (VW Stiftung): Enriching and linking historical architectural and urban image collections
  • CARPA (NWO): responsible production using crowdsourcing in Africa
  • Ariadne (2013-2017) was an EU FP-7 project that brings together and integrates existing archaeological research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets and new and powerful technologies as an integral component of the archaeological research methodology.
  • ControCurator
  • DIVE and DIVEplus (2014-2018) In the DIVE project, we will be looking at providing event-based browsing of (audiovisual and other) cultural heritage content. This content is extracted using automated methods and crowdsourcing. Check out our live demonstrator at dive.frontwise.com.
  • Crowd Truth: CrowdTruth capture and interpret inter-annotator disagreement in crowdsourcing.
  • BiographyNet (2013-2016) BiographyNet is a multidisciplinary project that combines expertise from history, computer science and computational linguistics. The project is a collaboration between the Netherlands eScience Center, Huygens ING and VU University Amsterdam
  • Observe (2014-2016) In the OBSERVE project, we looked at how interactive content for public screens can be modelled. These content and context models could be used for automated content selection or recommendation.
  • Big Data Europe (2014-2018) The Horizon2020 Big Data Europe project will undertake the foundational work for enabling European companies to build innovative multilingual products and services based on semantically interoperable, large-scale, multi-lingual data assets and knowledge, available under a variety of licenses and business models.
  • SEALINCMedia
  • Dutch Ships and Sailors (2013-2014) was a Clariah-funded Digital Humanities project
  • Talk of Europe
  • Data2Semantics