The User Centric Data Science group researches how various users interact with systems and consume and produce data. We are interested in the many technological and socio-economic challenges related to a sustainable, inclusive and fair Digital Society that are still awaiting real scientific solutions.
We are an international and diverse team of researchers interested in Data Science, Semantic Web and Linked Data, Ethics of AI, Cultural and Socially-aware AI, Digital Humanities, Computational Social Science and ICT for Development, always with a human-centric approach. Our group has played an active role in the development of Semantic Web technologies and models including OWL, RDF 1.1, PROV and SKOS.
We are involved in various nationally and internationally funded research projects. Our group has specific expertise in applying its research to applications in the cultural heritage, media, social science, Internet of Things and biomedical domains through close collaborations with institutions such as the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, BBC, IBM and Europeana.
UCDS is part of the Department of Computer Science at the Science Faculty of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.