Best NIAA project award

The award for the Best Network Institute Academy Assistant project for this year goes to the project titled “Between Art, Data, and Meaning – How can Virtual Reality expand visitors’ perspectives on cultural objects with colonial background?” This project was carried out by VU students Isabel Franke and Stefania Conte, Read more…

NWO funds HAICu project: UCDS will research polyvocal narratives

 It has pleased NWO to award the HAICu consortium funding under the National Research Agenda programme. In the HAICu project, AI researchers, Digital Humanities researchers, heritage professionals and engaged citizens work together on scientific breakthroughs to open, link and analyze large-scale multimodal digital heritage collections in context. At VU, researchers from the Read more…

How to account for automated decision systems in the public domain?

Automated decision-making affects governmental decision-making processes in terms of accountability, explainability, and democratic power. For instance, deciding on acceptable error rates reflects important value judgments that can have far-reaching ethical impacts for citizens. Error analysis is an important determinant for the design and deployment choices in algorithms. Public authorities, therefore, Read more…